How and Why Did God Create Us?

The catechism question that my wife and I are working on with our sons has become vitally important today. Frankly, the fact that we’re teaching them a truth that lays the groundwork for something that is now counter-cultural is a bit overwhelming. But as parents we have a choice: do we teach truth to our children or do we stick to the easy stuff? Here it is:

Q: How and why did God create us?

A: God created us male and female in his own image to glorify him.

Why is this so counter-cultural? First, it’s becoming increasingly taboo to distinguish between male and female. A host of implications comes from this distinction: gender identity, traditional marriage, marital roles, etc. All of these things have lost traction as being healthy aspects of relationships. Second, because we’re made for someone else. We are made to serve and glorify our creator. That alone makes the self-proclaimed autonomous man cringe.

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